
Full stack service to visualize and maximize impact.

Impact Management Consulting
Impact Management Consulting

Providing serveral impact management services, impact assessments to the planning and implementation of various strategies related to impact

Impact Management Tool
Impact Management Tool

Providing impactlake™, a digital tool to help all people implement impact management practices more quickly, easily, accurately, and continuously

Impact Economy / Finance
Impact Economy / Finance

IMPReFi, a token-based ecosystem for value for impact to support impactful business company's finance (currently under construction)


Core Member

Established IMPACTLAKE after working for a financial SIer, a European strategy consulting firm and a bigdata startup as executive officer. In the career, deliver long/mid-term strategy, business/R&D/IP strategy planning and business/tech DD, fund management support using data and ESG/Social Impact Measurement for domestic top-tier financial institutions. Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science.

Reona Sekino
Reona Sekino CEO・Founder

After working for a major financial SIer and a consulting firm, he co-founded the firm. He has experience in project management of middle and back office system development for banks and securities firms, fund formation using non-financial data in the asset management area, and ESG/impact assessment support for financial institutions. Bachelor of Education from the University of Tokyo.

Naoki Obi
Naoki Obi Director・Co-Founder


Recent Activities / News

Business Alliance with Edge International

IMPACTLAKE has entered into a strategic business alliance agreement with Edge International, Inc. (Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Yoshitaka Aso), Japanese Leading IR support firm, to strengthen corporate transformation (CX) support for client companies.

As an IR support company with a top-class track record in the industry, Edge International, Inc. has been helping client companies build a corporate value enhancement story that appeals to their uniqueness and future potential through the production of integrated reports. With the spread of integrated reports and the development of a framework for ESG information disclosure, the information disclosed by companies has been expanded, and dialogue with investors and other stakeholders has become more fulfilling. At the same time, it will become increasingly important to explain more logically how the information is related to the uniqueness and future potential of the company. In addition, a logical growth story and quality content drawn from information collected extensively while working with the client company will become a powerful tool to support corporate reform not only in the area of information disclosure, but also in terms of human resources, organization, and business.

Through this strategic business alliance, the two firms will further improve the quality of corporate communications by making the growth stories of existing and new clients more logical and actionable. Furthermore, we aim to realize sustainable and competitive management of Japanese companies by combining “verbalization and storytelling” with “impact management support”.

IMPACTLAKE will continue various initiatives and collaborations in the field to promote the simultaneous achievement of social value creation and sustainable growth for companies, contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.

About Edge International 
Headquater:Minato-ku, Tokyo 
President:Yoshitaka Aso 

Contact Us

For any questions regarding this release, please feel free to contact us using the details below:


Publish the Paper on Impact Management on Japanese Journal with Nomura Asset Management

IMPACTLAKE has conducted joint research on the evolution of impact accounting and the use of logic models in business strategy with Nomura Asset Management (Location: Koto-ku, Tokyo; CEO and President: Hiroyasu Koike; hereinafter “Nomura Asset Management”) and Professor Yumiko Miwa (School of Commerce, Meiji University). The results of this joint research have been published in the monthly journal “Gekkan Shihon Shijou”(Japanese) by the Capital Markets Research Institute.

As businesses aim for sustainability, Impact Management—advanced ESG—is becoming more vital. Our joint research simplifies Impact Management, using Impact-Weighted Accounts to quantify impact universally. This method includes a logic model for visualizing corporate ripple effects and articulating business strategies. By adopting this integrated approach, we highlight the practical importance of Impact Management for companies and investors.

The research suggests practical ways for Impact Management and includes specific analyses for individual companies. The results highlight challenges like the need for broader use to enhance disclosure and reduce burdens. However, it also shows that the methodology is currently useful.

IMPACTLAKE will continue various initiatives and collaborations in the field to promote the simultaneous achievement of social value creation and sustainable growth for companies, contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.



An Integrated Model of Logic Model and Impact Accounting in Sustainable Company Management

Authors (in no particular order and titles omitted)

Authors (in no particular order and titles omitted)

Reona Sekino (Chief Executive Officer, IMPACTLAKE Co. Ltd.)
Toshiyuki Imamura (Head of Responsible Investment Dept. Nomura Asset Management Co., Ltd.)
Yumiko Miwa (Professor, School of Commerce, Meiji University)

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Impact Path in integrated Logic Models
  3. Impact Measurement ~Example of Specific Companies~
  4. Discussion

Bibliographic Information

Published on Gekkan Shihon Shijou (Capital Market Research Institute)

Contact Us

For any questions regarding this release, please feel free to contact us using the details below:


Business Alliance with HRGL in the Area of Sustainability

IMPACTLAKE is pleased to announce that we have entered into a strategic business alliance agreement with HR Governance Leaders K.K. (President & CEO: Shigeru Uchigasaki, hereinafter “HRGL”). With this agreement, IMPACTLAKE and HRGL will begin consulting services for client companies, conducting research on impact creation, and collaborating to help Japanese companies create innovation and achieve sustainable management through impact creation.

Partnership Background

As a trusted ” primary care doctor” for CEOs, HRGL has been helping many companies to create sustainable growth stories. In its Mid-term Vision 2030, HRGL states that the value it seeks to realize is “to maximize the true corporate value of Japanese leading companies. Behind this is a strong desire to “contribute to the enhancement of true value, which includes not only market capitalization, but also future financial value and social impact.

Based on this strategic business alliance with HRGL, IMPACTLAKE will provide consulting services in the area of impact management to existing and new clients, and accelerate research and spreading awareness about impact creation, aiming to create innovation and realize sustainable management through impact creation for Japanese companies.

IMPACTLAKE will continue to promote impact management support (visualization of impact) and the creation of new impact-based markets (valorization of impact) through IMPACTLAKE™, with the aim of creating social value and sustainable growth for companies.

Contact Us

For inquiries, please use the link below or contact the IMPACTLAKE office at